Because compulsive gambling is purely an emotional issue, in order to treat it, a trained professional with expertise in dealing with emotional problems is required. It is in your best interest to look for one who focuses on gambling. Even for the most determined addict, it may be challenging to recover without the assistance of an experienced mind that has already confronted the challenge.
When they have reached the worst point of their gambling problem, compulsive gamblers feel as though they have lost all control over their lives and all possible possibilities. At this point, it does not matter to them whether or not the decisions they make are rational, and there is no motivation for them to do so; any potential they once saw in themselves are long gone. This gives rise to and exacerbates existing emotional problems.
The gambler with a problem will have to face the fact that the trust of those who were once close to him or her, including family, has been broken. Because reaching this objective has such a significant bearing on one’s sense of self-worth, one will need to devise a strategy to achieve it. Psychologically speaking, it is impossible to recover from a situation in which both other people and yourself do not expect any better from you. You are unable to make your point clear in any way.
The gambler must also contend with the desire to continue gambling. Many people are completely unaware of the motivations behind their urges. In this regard, the assistance of an experienced expert can prove to be of the utmost value. A fatal error would be to fail to identify the source of the urges. It would be like trying to put out a fire while simultaneously putting out the smoke.
The vast majority of studies and comments from professionals who work with gamblers point to stress as the primary driving force behind the urge to gamble. Gambling becomes the means by which the person can let off steam. Because of this intricate chain link, successfully assisting the gambler now also requires assisting them in coping with stress, at least during the recovery period. This presents a challenging challenge.
Gambling addicts are encouraged, on a more individual level, to be honest with themselves and those around them about their addiction to gambling. Sincere in their actions and the expression of their innermost sentiments. Self-therapy relies heavily on being truthful with oneself. One’s inability to kick a habit is directly proportional to their level of self-awareness; until one can see the truth about themselves, one will never be able to change. In this context, being honest means much more than simply acknowledging that one has a problem.
Last but not least, relapse prevention is an issue that needs to be addressed in any recovery program. A person who is addicted to gambling will always be an addict, similar to alcoholics. They are unable to participate in recreational gambling or make single wagers. If they don’t completely cut gambling out of their lives, they will always revert to their previous behaviors.